Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Three Ways to Master Personal Finance

There are probably more than three, but I think it's safe to say that three big themes in PFblogging seem to be: Investing/Saving, Frugality and Simple Living. Collectively these habits can really optimize personal finance at any income level.

I will say far and above my strongest area is simple living. Being a minimalist means that I don't buy a lot of new things, so my expenditures haven't really grown to match my income as I've advanced in my career. The money that's left over from everything I don't buy gets thrown into savings. Savings is, by default, a strong area.

However, I am not frugal.

Example: I haven't cooked a meal for myself in over four months-- I've been living off restaurants and the Whole Foods deli. I know that for that kind of money I could be cooking for half the price but in the kitchen I'm terrible. This is one area where the path of least resistance works against me. It's faster, and usually better, to pay someone else to do it for me. Plus it frees up more personal time.

I'm also not a big bargain shopper. (I try to approach every sale like I do a Vegas casino: the house always wins.)

I'm perfectly happy with my bi-weekly massages, 30$ haircuts, regular clubbing and organic pork burritos but I think there are other areas I can trim down a bit and this is why I love reading PFblogs. There are obviously some ways to save money and reduce expenses that won't cramp my style.

I'd like to be better about maximizing my savings-per-transaction.


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