Monday, March 13, 2006

Merit Increase

The results of my annual salary review are in and it was... (drumroll).... 5%. That raises my salary to 36,736.35. And yes, the 35 cents is actually on the paperwork. [EDIT: In case anyone else sucks at math the 5% works out to be 1749.35. 5% is also the highest I, or any other employee, could have gotten.] This is not the most money I have ever made in my life but it is the most I've made since the Internet boom of 2000.

It's surreal (and slightly exhibitionist) to be posting my exact salary to total strangers since it's one of the more private topics around the office. Even with close friends we've only dropped hints. Of course salary transparency would totally destroy the delicate social fabric of the corporate ecosystem as people learned how much their incompetent peers are raking in.



Blogger Tiredbuthappy said...

Congratulations! My raise, if I get one, will come July 1.

This year, for the first time since we went from being double-income-no-kids (DINKs) to being a 3 person family living on 1.5 incomes, I'm actually going to up my retirement contributions when I get my raise. If I get a 3% raise, the contribution is going up by 2%.

Shoot, now that I've committed to it in writing, even just in a blog comment, I've got to follow through.

1:31 PM


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