Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lazy Slobs Make the Best Minimalists

Most people aren't deliberately messy. The most important thing about being a slob is a certain obliviousness or ready acceptance to one's environment. So whether it's full of crap or a bare room with a single bulb, the true slob will adapt.

Keeping my room clean has always been a struggle for me. When I'm done with something, I leave it on the floor and forget about it. Oh sure I'll mean to put it back, but then days turn into weeks and the thing becomes a part of my mental landscape, no more noteworthy than empty carpet. "Those magazines have always been in the corner." It's not till I'd lose something that the situation would become intolerable and induce a three or four hour cleaning frenzy.

An organizational book suggested that you spend 10 minutes a day tidying which was a very helpful habit. But still, it was mostly a losing battle.

For me the real victory came when I threw everything away. And yeah I probably went a little crazy but everything that wasn't either financially valuable or used within the last year went out. Who needs CDs when you have MP3? Old books? Gone. When I was done, my room was practically empty. It stays relatively clean with minimal effort.

The spartan appearance of my bedroom may be a bit off-putting to visitors but at least they're not trying to think of the last time they had their tetanus shots.


Blogger mapgirl said...

I love this post. It's true. I live in a mess, and I don't bring as much crap into my apartment as I *could* due to the mess. Thus I have less stuff. Except those 30 Chapsticks. ;-)

9:43 PM


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