Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You Too Could Have Unclaimed Riches!!

Another hot tip from Free Money Finance. There are billions of dollars in unclaimed assets just laying around that people have either lost or don't know about. I've always been pretty careful with my money (at least making sure I got every dime I was owed so I could squander it later that week) and I'm not anybody's sole heir so I never figured there would be anything with my name on it.

But lo and behold, my old university owes me 99.99 in unclaimed wages. While I'm happy about the moderate windfall, I'm wondering how my minimum wage slave oppressors managed to short me so exact an amount. Still that's 100 bucks that DIDN'T end up going towards a fake ID, box wine or ramen noodles. Sweet!

If it happened to me, it could happen to you. No really. I found 200$ of my step mom's just by entering last names. And best of all it's free! Click here for the site.


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